Mini Keto Chocolate Hazelnut Ice Cream Pies
Calories 320kcal
- 1/2 cup almond meal
- 1/4 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 cup ghee (or brown butter)
- 1 teaspoon butter (or brown butter)
- 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
- 2 tablespoons erythritol (or brown butter)
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 cup chopped hazelnuts
- 1/2 cup chocolate syrup (or brown butter)
- 1 pint chocolate (or brown butter)
- Before we begin, let Halo Top melt about half way, until it’s half-melted.
- It melts quickly so just pull it out and set aside at room temperature before you start the recipe.
- In a saute pan, add 1 tsp of butter and let melt over low heat and add chopped hazelnuts.
- Toast until fragrant and golden in color.
- Remove from heat and toss with cocoa powder, then put into fridge to cool.
- In that same sauce pan add 1/4 cup butter, and let brown.
- If using ghee, there is no need to brown, just go ahead to the next step.
- Add almond meal, salt, coconut flour and erythritol and mix until a dough forms in the pan and remove.
- Line a muffin pan with either parchment paper, or silicone cupcake liners like I did and divide crust evenly, making sure to line to the top of the This recipe should make about 6 pies, depending on muffin pan size.
- Mini Keto Chocolate Hazelnut Ice Cream Pies | Fat to Fit Chick
- As the ice cream should have softened adequately by now, add half the hazelnut mixture and mix thoroughly.
- Add a spoonful of Choczero honest syrup (just a nice squeeze will do) to the bottom of each pie crust, then divide your ice cream mixture accordingly.
- Top with remaining hazelnuts for garnish
Calories: 320kcal
Originally posted 2019-02-20 18:43:55.